Sunday, February 7, 2010

Flagyl Uses More Drug_uses Is Flagyl Used As An Preventive Medicine For Std?

Is flagyl used as an preventive medicine for std? - flagyl uses more drug_uses

No, this is Flagyl (metronidazole), an antibiotic to treat parasitic and bacterial infections.

1 comment:

  1. There is no drug that is used as a preventative for sexually transmitted diseases. First, some bacteria and some are viral and will treat everyone takes a different drug. Some (such as herpes) can be treated and for life. You can reduce the symptoms during an outbreak with drugs. HIV is permanent and can of AIDS and death, and both require multiple medications to control / reduce the symptoms that accompany these diseases cause. You can not prevent sexually transmitted diseases, other than the use of a condom with every sex and no sex.
